George Washington, Namesake of our Round Table

Our next meeting is to be a hybrid meeting on Tuesday, September 17. We will be meeting in person at the Mount Vernon Inn at 6 p.m. (social hour) and 6:40 p.m. (dinner). For those who want to attend remotely, the Zoom meeting will start at 7 p.m. or a little later.

If you would like to attend (which we greatly prefer), please fill out the attached reservation form and mail it to Richard Rankin. You can also let Richard or me know if you would like to attend and pay at the door (cash or check to ARRT). Please indicate if you want meat or salmon for dinner.

If you can only attend by Zoom, I will email you a Zoom link to the meeting the day of the meeting. Feel free to share this email with a friend who or family member whom you think may be interested.

NOTICE! I also attach our ARRT Membership Form. If you have not done so yet, please submit the annual fee and membership form to Richard Rankin, our Treasurer. If you have done so—thank you. It is a great benefit to our organization.

Our next speaker will be our own Gary Ecelbarger, who will be speaking on his recent book, “George Washington’s Momentous Year: Twelve Months that Transformed the Revolution, Vol. 1: The Philadelphia Campaign, July to December 1777.” 

On the 248th anniversary of the eve of the largest and longest battle of the Revolutionary War, Gary Ecelbarger will counter these long-accepted misapprehensions of George Washington at Brandywine with a fresh and revised analysis, derived from a chapter of his newly published work: George Washington's Momentous Year.

Gary is a four-year member of this round table. He has authored ten books and more than three dozen monographs, essays, and articles relating to 18th and 19th Century personalities and events, including ten contributions to the Journal of the American Revolution since 2020. His most recent book is about the Philadelphia Campaign and is told uniquely from the perspective of army headquarters; it is the first of two volumes of George Washington's Momentous Year: Twelve Months that Transformed the Revolution, published by Westholme in June. He is currently writing the second volume of the series, slated for a mid-2025 release.

To purchase this book prior to our meeting, here is a link to the online Fort Plains Museum Bookstore:

If you live in or plan to visit the Washington, DC area, you are cordially invited to attend the next meeting of the ARRT-DC.

Come and meet others who share an interest in the American Revolution to enjoy fellowship and lively discussions over dinner, followed by an exciting presentation on some aspect of America's colonial, revolutionary or early national past. Our speakers are experts in their fields, and include professional as well as avocational historians and archeologists, many of whom are also published authors in the subjects about which they speak. 

"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood." ~William Shakespeare

ARRT-DC meetings are typically held on the first Tuesday of March, April, May, September, October and November.

We issue an e-mail each month informing you of the scheduled speaker at the upcoming meeting and describing local American Revolution lectures and other events you could attend that month.

If you want to attend a meeting, receive the monthly newsletter/bulletin, and/or join our group, please send an e-mail to President Christian McBurney at  & and Treasurer Richard Rankin at or Secretary Doug Bonforte at
We usually meet in the very appropriate setting of the Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant, 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Alexandria VA 22309 just steps away from George Washington's fabled home.

Please park in the main car parking lot. The restaurant is located across the street to the right.

The hostess will show you to the reserved room where our members meet and socialize, with cash bar, until the meal is served.

Meetings usually start at 6:00 p.m. Upon your arrival, please tell one of the attendees that you are a guest and would like to meet one of the Club Officers.

Meetings include a reasonably priced dinner from the Inn's banquet menu, which includes soup or salad, main course, beverage, dessert and gratuity.

Your RSVP allows us to reserve the necessary number of places, and address if you have special dietary considerations. We ask that you RSVP and pay in advance. However, we can accommodate some who will pay at the door by special arrangement via e-mail, up until 24 hours before the meeting.

If you are interested in attending only the guest speaker's presentation before deciding to join, we request a $5.00 donation.

Please advise ARRT-DC
by e-mail in advance (see above) if you plan to attend. We request you arrive NLT 6:45 pm and stand by the door to the meeting room. A Club Officer will greet and seat you.

Speaker presentations begin at about 7:00 p.m.

The meeting concludes at about 8:15 p.m.

Yearly dues are $25.00, payable in September.