George Washington, Namesake of our Round Table

About Us & Points of Contact

We are a community of like-minded individuals interested in almost all aspects of the American Revolution.  Our group consists of people with varying degrees of knowledge, but all are interested in learning more about this critical period in our nation's history.

If you'd like to learn more about ARRT DC and/or its activities, please feel free to contact one of our Club Officers. They can also assist you in making arrangements should you wish to attend one of our meetings.

Club Officers

Each of the four members serves a one-year term and are elected in May. There is a Board of Directors.  It has two members with two-year terms, also elected in May.
  • VICE PRESIDENT:  Eugene Procknow at:

  •  TREASURER: Richard Rankin at:

  • SECRETARY: Doug Bonforte at:

Board of Directors

  • Lorna Hainseworth &