George Washington, Namesake of our Round Table

McB SepOct 2020

 McBurney Three-Part Series Now Up on the All Things Liberty Website

Currently, on the All Things Liberty website (the online Journal of the American Revolution), I have a three-part article up. The subject is how the American Revolution spurred the first limits on the African slave trade in world history. I believe it is something Americans should be proud about; not perfect by any means, but something to be proud about. I wrote most of it prior to my becoming aware of the 1619 Project’s unwarranted theory that a leading cause of the American independence was the desire to preserve the institutions of slavery and the slave trade.  On the contrary, I found that the North American thirteen colonies needed to become independent from Great Britain in order to impose these first limits on the African slave trade that the colonies’ desired. John Grady just read the articles and posted a comment about how he appreciated the “excellent articles” on this little-know history (thanks John!).

You can view the three articles by clicking on this link:

McBurney Recommendation: The American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati on the Counter-Attack

The American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati, based in Washington, D.C., is becoming a voice challenging the removal of statues of Revolutionary War heroes and disputing the overly broad and often unwarranted claims in The 1619 Project on the causes of the American Revolution. You can read more on these topics from links to its website (see the June 16 and June 26 postings) here:

-  Christian McBurney